Run Nhost on your own server. Useful if you have data-intensive apps that quickly reach Nhost's limits in the managed service. You can also have several Nhost apps using the same database in this setup, if you have many small projects you don't wanna pay extra for.
Turso is a SQLite database in the cloud called LibSQL. It's based on SQLite, and is compatiable with SQLite, but it can be accessed over the internet, unlike SQLite, which always requires a file in the file system.
Google offers a managed service for searching with images to find similar products called Product Search. It's a quite neat service that allows you to do product search without manually embedding images, setting up a vector database, manipulating images etc. The pricing is quite predictable with 1 USD per 10000 images stored and 4.50 USD per 1000 queries using images.
The service has not been updated much by Google, and it has no graphical interface in the Cloud Console, which makes it a bit hard to use. This, together with the first generation of Google Cloud AI services, seem to be neglected in favor of the new Vertex AI.
When creating a Google Workspace to get Gmail for an organization on their own domain, you have to add a first user. This process can be a bit cumbersome if you are creating an email solution for a client, and you do not personally need to be involved in the organization. But you want to be able to configure the workspace in case the client needs some updates, such as adding a forwarding address, adding an organization member, or making an email alias.
I experienced a quite troublesome problem when trying to upload a plugin to the Wordpress repository with SVN. The issue was some files of the Symfony Polyfill libraries. They contain code that is only compatible with PHP 8. The code is not supposed to run on older versions of PHP, but the Wordpress SVN validator will check all uploaded files whether they run or not. Since the Wordpress server doesn't have PHP 8 yet, it will raise an error.
Lots of people write articles on Some of these articles are very useful and also rank very high on the Google search results. I often search for a solution to a software development problem I have, and am so happy to see somebody has made a Medium post about it.
Vi lever nå i de siste månedene før giganten Amazon endelig kommer til Norden. Vårt verdenshjørne gjenstår som et av de siste markedene uten en eller flere kjempeplattformer for netthandel, og det er der Amazon ser muligheten.
I had an idea for a very simple SaaS. Quick generation of social media preview images.
Website owners can choose a featured image to be shown whenever a page is shared on social media. Having a good image is important, as it makes people quickly see what the link is about, and make them more likely to click it. But it is quite a pain in the ass (PITA) to manage these images, as they need to have correct dimensions, and you might want to have a different image for each of your thousands of articles.
Koronaviruset i 2020 er forhåpentligvis den største hendelsen dette tiåret. Reaksjonen til folk, media og politikere har gitt oss et innblikk i hvordan verden fungerer i en stressituasjon. Spesielt interessant er Kinas og internasjonale organisasjoners rolle i dette.
Kvantitativ lettelse (QE) er når sentralbanken kjøper finansielle eierdeler som gjeld og obligasjoner. Det fører til økning av penger i markedene. Mer penger med samme antall varer betyr høyere priser.
2018 begynte med noen spennende nyheter for ehandel i Norge. Både Finn og Komplett kunngjorde at de skulle lansere tjenester for å bli "Norges Amazon", ved å tillate andre nettbutikker å selge varer gjennom deres plattform. Dette er en modell som kan være innmari lønnsom – noe Amazon, Alibaba, Lazada, Shopee, Etsy, og andre vitner til. Men det er tydeligvis ikke så lett å få til, hvertfall ikke i et marked som Norge, for både Komplett og Finn ga opp sine ambisiøse satsinger veldig fort.
Nettavisen melder at alt vil være som før, SELV ETTER 1. april. Dvs. du kan fortsatt bestille til under 350kr uten å få et sjokkgebyr. Unntaket er næringsmidler, eller mat, som har måttet fortolles siden 1. januar 2020.
Det har vært snakk om smarte hjem en stund nå. Når alle hus har WiFi, og komponenter er så billige at til og med små enheter kan ha både Blutooth og WiFi, så skal det teoretisk sett være mulig å styre alt elektronisk i hjemmet slik at hjemmet blir smart som bare det. Det teoretiske har faktisk vært på plass i tiår allerede – omtrent fra da WiFi kom. Men utfordringen er å ha et robust grensesnitt for dingser/enheter å snakke sammen. Egentlig snakker sjelden dingser sammen, men de må ha mulighet til å snakke sammen.
Did you know it's possible to have a conversation with yourself on Facebook Messenger? I discovered it by accident when creating a share button for my grocery price comparison site It's convenient to have a convo with yourself as it makes it possible to easily share text and files between your devices.
Operating a Grin wallet is more complicated than a Bitcoin wallet. Transactions require an interactive exchange between the sender and reciever. One way of doing this is to establish a HTTP connection between the transacting parties, and even though a transaction can be made in other ways, this is the only method supported by Bitforex.
I've been using flash cards with Anki to learn Chinese lately. If you don't know Anki, it's just a free app that uses spaced repetition for helping you memorize stuff. The spaced repetition technique is incredibly effective for memorizing stuff. Researchers ave studied why it works, but I think part of it is that it makes it feel like a game that is almost fun. I usually don't have the patience to memorize stuff for exams, but I was able to score a couple of A's in college thanks to Anki. The software is completely free and open source, so you won't be bombarded with ads and upsells like in certain other apps. Memorization of words and phrases alone won't make you fluent in a language, but flash cards combined with Google translate will make it kinda fun and rewarding to learn vocabulary.
Å finne et navn er en stor ting for et nytt selskap, et nytt produkt, en ny blogg, et nytt barn, eller hva enn du har. Det er nok noe nybegynnere bruker unødvendig mye tid på. Jeg har til og med hørt om folk som vil starte en business kun fordi de eier et domenenavn. Jeg tror vanglivis det viktigste er å ha et navn som er lett å si og lett å skrive. La oss se på noen taktikker rundt det å velge navn med utangspunkt i norske sjokolader.
There is no service that lets consumers easily look up and compare prices on common products typically sold in supermarkets, such as groceries. This article will discuss whether it makes sense making an online tool for doing so.
Working with devops things like setting up custom CI/CD for my projects honestly scares the shit out of me. Once I start reading about how to do it, I realize how much I don't know. It's also so much harder to tinker with than just code, where you get instant feedback, and can debug. Tinkering with cloudformations, docker images, or virtual machines requires building and running them. Takes much longer time. There's also the sense of never being good enough. You start with a simple manual deployment method on Firebase or Heroku. Maybe you can use a hosted database on something like mLab. You can even make Heroku listen to your repo on Github. Works well, but it gets expensive if you want to scale. So I turn to using Docker and a virtual machine on Digital Ocean. I quickly realize just Docker is not enough. I need Docker Compose which complicates things a little bit. I also need to handle images, tags, expose, networks, etc. which I arrogantly think I can handle without taking the time to really learn what the are. I realize I need a place to host docker images, as Docker Hub only gives you one free private image. So I start making my own image repository on a virtual server. It needs to be served over HTTPS, so I also need to host an Nginx reverse proxy with Letsencrypt. I would be so lost here if there weren't for some great guides on how to do this. After some messing around with different Docker Compose versions I figure it out. I also learnt how easy it can be to get a certified HTTPS using these tools.
EU sitt direktiv om personvern på nett har nå trådt i kraft og er blitt en del av norsk lov under personopplysningsloven. Som del av dette skal alle som har data lagret om seg ha rett til innsyn i deres data, og kanskje viktigere, ha “... rett til å motta personopplysninger ... i et strukturert, alminnelig anvendt og maskinlesbart format ...”. Videre hintes det til at slik data skal kunne overføres automatisk fra en tilbyder til en annen “... ha rett til å få overført personopplysningene direkte fra en behandlingsansvarlig til en annen.” [Artikkel 20] Dette med data i maskinlesbart format betyr at en app skal kunne lese og bruke dataene, slik at man skal kunne bytte tilbyder, eller la en annen tilbyder bruke din data, på en enkel måte. Et fint ord som brukes til å beskrive dette er dataportabilitet. For eksempel skal det da være mulig å automatisk sende hele Facebook-profilen din til Google+, eller overføre alle preferansene dine fra til